
“Did I Say That?” Recognizing and Combating Microaggressions in the Workplace



This is a virtual event.  Your meeting log in will be sent in your registration confirmation.

Sheila Eason, Founder/CEO Elevate People Solutions will lead this important and informative session.  This seminar is focused on bringing awareness of the negative impact that subtle or unintentional comments or actions toward members of marginalized groups can have on others in the workplace. Participants will learn:

- What microaggressions are and the negative effects they can have on others in the workplace

- Examples of different types of micro-aggressive behavior that occur in the workplace

- Basic understanding of why microaggressions are harmful

- How to respond to micro-aggressive behavior in a positive and effective manner

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Our Sponsors

The Employers' Association In partnership with
Destination Toledo Convention & Visitors Bureau In partnership with